Sunday, March 2, 2008

The One Sided Workout

The recommended workout for this week will feature all unilateral exercises. You will perform each exercise for a specific number of reps by either alternating from one side to the other side, or by doing all reps, before moving to the other side. Are you asking yourself "umm…why?" Well, I'll tell ya...

A great way to shake up your weight training is to train unilaterally. Basically, what this means is that you perform the specific exercise by working one side of the body at a time. Most people have one side that is weaker than the other, and by training unilaterally, the stronger side can't pick up the slack for the weaker side; it's forced to become stronger. It also allows for greater focus on the contracting muscle; it improves the mind/muscle connection. In other words, it may be easier to think about squeezing and releasing just the left bicep during a curl.

15 reps per side. 1-3 circuits.

Chest press - alternate reps

Bent over rows - perform all reps per each side

One leg wall squat- perform all reps per each side

Shoulder press- alternate reps

One leg bridge- with leg on bench

Bicep curl - can be performed either alternating or all reps per side.

Tricep kickbacks - all reps per side.