Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Few New Moves

For a slight change of pace, I'm introducing a few exercises we haven't done in the studio.

Because of the combination exercises, I'm going to suggest that you use a lighter weight while increasing reps.
The rep range will be 15(per side) for the unilateral, and 20 for the remaining exercises.

Chest press w/ bridge lift Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on floor. Hold a set of dumbbells at chest level with palms facing forward. Press the weight up. Straighten one leg, so your calf is in line with your knee. Your rear end will be off of the floor. Lower your body, and switch legs as you press the weight toward the ceiling.

Plank w/ row Either on your knees, or on you toes, get into a push up position. You will have a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing eachother. Hold this position. Now bend your elbow and pull the weight up so it so your forearm is parallel with your back. Return the weight to the floor and repeat on the other side.

Sumo deadlift
Your feet will be about three feet apart, with your toes pointing out. Hold a set of dumbbells out in front of you. Let the dumbbells hang in front of your body with your palms facing you. Keep your back straight and head up. Lower the dumbbells to the floor until your thighs are parallel with the floor.

Pulse lunges Put one foot out in front of you. Step back with the other foot into a lunge position. Keeping your feet in this position, raise your torso about halfway then lower. Use a faster (pulse) pace. Perform all reps on one side before moving on to the other side.

Side rows Hold the dumbbells down to your sides, palms facing your body. Pull the weight along your body, elbows out.

Hi bicep curls use a lighter weight Hold the weights up,arms are straight, palms facing the ceiling, your forearms will be parallel with the floor. Keep your arms in this position as you curl the weight.

Shoulder press w tricep extension Hold a set of dumbbells at shoulder height with palms facing your ears. Press the weight straight up. Hold the weight there, now bend your elbows to lower the weight toward your back. Return to overhead position, lower weight and repeat.